Tuesday, June 26, 2007

At the San Francisco Pride Parade, Miguel and I joined many Latino gay organizations and marched together. The queen of our contingent was Gloria Trevi, a famous Mexican singer. She is one of Miguel's favorite singers, and she is a strong gay supporter. I took a picture of Miguel with Trevi.

Para el desfile del orgullo en San Francisco, Miguel y yo nos unimos a varias organizaciones gay latino y marchamos juntos. La reina de nuestro contingente fue Gloria Trevi, artista famosa mexicana. Ella es una de las cantantes favoritas de Miguel, y ella apoya mucho nuestra causa. Yo tomé una foto con Miguel y la Trevi.

Friday, June 01, 2007

I graduated! That's right, I did it! And here's a picture to prove it.

Me gradué! Lo hize y aquí está una foto para comprobarlo.